Monday, October 17, 2016

Learning Log #12

Learning Log #12

    This week I learnt about added game to CALL. Then I learnt about how to add audio in my CALL. After that I learn about when we point mouse around the words or sentences the photo is show.  Then I learnt how to show words or sentences when we point mouse around the photos. Finally I learnt how to play music when we point mouse around words, sentences, or photos.

Learning Log #11

Learning Log #11

     This week I learnt about how to create kind of test in Adobe Captivate 8. There are many kinds of test such as short answer, multiple choice, true or false, fill in the blank, and matching. After that we practiced to make test  and use them in my project . It can apply to teaching in the future.

Learning Log #10

Learning Log #10

    This week I learnt about how to use program Adobe Captivate 8.  I learnt about to create CAI by Adobe Captivate 8. Then I learnt about how to choose the size of my project. Then learnt add the blank, inert picture, add sound, add text caption .After that , I learnt how to create test in this program then the teacher taught how to link from page to another page.

Learning Log #9

         Learning Log #9

 This week I learnt about Computer Assisted Language Learning and English Language Teaching in Thailand : Overview. I learnt about The development of computer assisted language learning (CALL)
CALL seemed to imply a focus on a teacher - centered. The I learnt about phrase of CALL .They have 3 type : Behavioristic CALL , Communicative CALL, Intergrative CALL. I learnt about advantages and disadantage of CALL in language learning. I learnt about education CALL programs and ELT in Thailand.


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